Watch "Mortys" 7 minute short animated film depicting the 21st Century emotional and generational gap between a Mother who is Death, and Son who is her apprentice to the traditional old way of supporting people transition from their body into the next world. When Mother Death resists her Son's attempts to introduce new ways, hi-tech short cuts to ease death - her son's enthusiasm for new technology alters more than he imagined.
Video "Making of - 1" and
Video "Making of - 2"
Mortys is directed by Gaëlle Lebegue, Aurélien Ronceray-Peslin, Mathieu Vidal and Nicolas Villeneuve
Produced as a student film at
ESMA School of Arts specializing in animation and special effects located in Montpellier France - Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques de Montpellier.