My Writing + Art

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Peace Project : Through creativity and community, we can change the world ~ 500 artists across 6 continents in 30 countries and 30 states in the USA

Since 2010, 4,000 artists from 70 countries on 6 continents have joined hands and used art to change lives.

All submissions are featured in the traveling exhibit via a mosaic like the one shown above, as well the Jury selected art is featured on individual 12x12 inch panels.

All funds raised from the Call For Artists and traveling exhibits help fund The Peace Center and Peace Projects

Sales of artist's panels go to build "The Peace Center" in Sierra Leone, Africa, tentatively planned to be adjacent to the former Aberdeen Amputee Refugee Camp. From The Peace Center, the Peace Project in conjunction with trusted in-country partner, Community Association for Psychosocial Services, will operate training programs, arts and cultural initiatives, and administer a micro-loan program. Ultimately seeking to create a development model that is scalable and can be duplicated not just in Sierra Leone, but beyond.


This collective vision was unveiled in September 2013 and the exhibit travels throughout Southern California and other locations in the United States including San Francisco and New York. An online exhibition is held simultaneously

The Peace Center 
Peace Project work prove that art truly does change the world -- and that we are not too small to tackle the world's big problems. 

In 2010, The Peace Project was founded to show that great change can happen very quickly if creative people work together.  Since then: Over 20,000 people worldwide have donated time, money, art and services. 

Two books published that feature over 1,000 visions of peace from artists worldwide. 

Dozens of children in Sierra Leone are receiving an education through The Peace Project. 

On World Peace Day, 2011, The Peace Project led one of the most unique collaborations ever, Operation Rise, distributed 10,000 pairs of crutches across Sierra Leone, changing the lives of thousands of people instantly. 

"Mindless Monk" (Beijing 1989)
by Karin Lisa Atkinson 

"Goddess of Peace" (New York 2001)
by Karin Lisa Atkinson 

"Urban Balance" 2014 
by Karin Lisa Atkinson 

"Spirit Bird" 2012 
by Karin Lisa Atkinson 

"Gathering Light" 2017 
by Karin Lisa Atkinson  

Friday, September 14, 2012

Video music "Anthem of Humanity" by Jonathan Beaudette (United Nations 2nd Annual Youth Conference)

Anthem of Humanity Video
Jonathan Beaudette is a very nice person, humanitarian and multi-instrumentalist who plays and performs the piano, acoustic and electric guitar, 12-string acoustic guitar, bass guitar, synths, various world percussion and winds, and has been known to use his unique voice from time to time. Watch his videos by clicking here. Jonathan composed a score and video for the United Nations in 2010 in support of the Millennium Development Goals and Youth Pre-Conference. His music has been used in the trailers for Warner Bros. Pictures Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1, Lady in the Water and Fools Gold, Paramount Pictures Cloverfield, Fox 2000 Films Eragon, Ubisoft’s PS2 game Peter Jackson’s King Kong, Sci-Fi Channel’s Caprica and The Lost Room, and other films such as Taken and Joshua. For more of  Jonathan's story and music please visit his website and FACEBOOK page. Check out his unique contribution to our planet.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Scared Land News: Taos Pueblo Tribe Regains Stewardship of Sacred Site

As the sun set on the annual Taos Pueblo Powwow in Taos, N.M., on July 14, representatives of the Taos Land Trust, surrounded by dancers and tribal members from across the country, officially returned a sacred hot springs property to the Taos Pueblo Tribe. The Ponce de León Hot Springs, just south of Taos, is a sacred site to the Taos Pueblo and has been used by tribal members for ceremonial activities since time immemorial. For more than a century, however, the 44-acre property had been in the hands of private landowners.

According to a press release, Taos Land Trust, a local land conservation organization, received funding in 1997 to acquire the property from private landowners, to protect it from commercial development. After a 15-year search for the best entity to preserve the land and its natural and cultural resources, the organization has now transferred legal ownership to the Taos Pueblo, returning the site to its original indigenous owners.

“This is kind of relationship between a conservation organization and a tribe is a rare thing, but we think a very important precedent,” former Taos Land Trust Executive Director Ernie Atencio said. “Giving this property back to its original indigenous owners was a victory for conservation, for community relations and for justice.”

New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez attended the ceremony, where Taos Pueblo Governor Laureano Romero, Warchief Benito Sandoval and Taos Land Trust President Christopher Smith signed the land-transfer documents.

“Blue Lake, the Rio Grande, Red Clay, the Hot Springs … these areas are critical to our well being, without them we would not exist,” Sandoval said. “It is important to preserve these areas for the future of our children and all who live here. We are very grateful!”

A conservation easement signed by the land trust in 2009 permanently protects the property, limiting any future development, no matter who owns it. Under the terms of the easement, the property must remain accessible to all the people of the Taos community, who have been enjoying its waters for generations.

While acknowledging the challenge of balancing land preservation with public access, Atencio said the Taos Pueblo were committed to providing that access and would continue to do so through a free permit system.

Scared Story Credit and website

Indian House Music ~ Traditional American Indian Music

Aboriginal Art of the First Peoples website

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Video documentary short "Native Son ~ Restoring Self Identity and Cultural Esteem" by Witness

Watch Trailer "Witness: Native Son"

About Native Son:
The popular perception of the American Indian is that they continue to live in isolated reservations far removed from the turmoil of modern city life. In fact most now live in America's major cities. But this urban migration has done little to solve the challenges they face. They are still at the bottom of the pile in terms of life chances and achievement. Even in the cities most Native American children drop out of high school, many are raised without a father and there is a better than average chance they will join a gang or have problems with drugs and alcohol. It is a growing trend and one that many tribal elders feel can only be solved by reversing their loss of native identity. Michael Graziano and Ernie Park spent time alongside young urban Native Americans to see how the prospects for a brighter future can be improved by restoring a sense of pride in their identity.

About Al Jazeera - Witness series of documentary video
Rageh Omaar and Ghida Fakhry present Witness, a half-hour documentary series which features short, specially commissioned or acquired films gathered from independent filmmakers.

Each documentary reveals the unknown lives of ordinary people, following their lives, telling their stories and portraying the challenges that confront them. Our witnesses are people in a situation or those who have observed them first hand.

The films cover conflict, belief, the past, and the future and, as well as bringing new stories to light, they showcase the talents of a new breed of multi-skilled, frontline journalist.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Space Photography: MARS Science Laboratory by NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and California Institute of Technology

This image is from a test series used to characterize the 100-millimeter Mast Camera on NASA's Curiosity rover. It was taken on Aug. 23, 2012, and looks south-southwest from the rover's landing site.

The 100-millimeter Mastcam has three times better resolution than Curiosity's 34-millimeter Mastcam, though it has a narrower field of view. Some haze obscures the view, but the top ridge, depicted in this image, is 10 miles (16.2 kilometers) away.

Scientists enhanced the color in one version to show the Martian scene under the lighting conditions we have on Earth, which helps in analyzing the terrain. A raw version is also available.

JPL manages the Mars Science Laboratory/Curiosity for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. 
The rover was designed, developed and assembled at JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena California (Los Angeles)

NASA/JPL/California Institute of Technology "Curiosity Explores Mars" Image Gallery and Current News

Mars: NASA Explores the Red Planet

NASA/JPL Mars Science Laboratory: Curiosity Rover

Space Photography : (ERBP) Earth's Radiation Belt Storm Probe To Do First Study of Van Allen Radiation Belts = Ion Acoustic Soliton Asymptotology Interpretive Universe, Electric Universe, Cosmic Plasma Universe, Holoscience, Space Weather, Solar Storms

Artist's rendering of Van Allen radiation belts, two giant rings of charged particles that circle Earth. 

The Watcher's article, the NASA TV report and the earth's magnetic field explain the (RBSP) Radiation Belt Storm Probes new mission launched in August 2012, to improve our understanding of the Universe/Multiverse.  
“We know examples where a storm of incoming particles from the sun can cause the two belts to swell so much that they merge and appear to form a single belt,” says Shri Kanekal, RBSP’s deputy project scientist at Goddard.

“Then there are other examples where a large storm from the sun didn’t affect the belts at all, and even cases where the belts shrank. Since the effects can be so different, there is a joke within the community that ‘If you’ve seen one storm . . . You’ve seen one storm.’ We need to figure out what causes the differences.”

There are two broad theories on how the particles get energy: from radial transport or in situ. In radial transport, particles move perpendicular to the magnetic fields within the belts from areas of low magnetic strength far from Earth to areas of high magnetic strength nearer Earth.

The laws of physics dictate that particle energies correlate to the strength of the magnetic field, increasing as they move towards Earth. The in situ theory posits that electromagnetic waves buffet the particles – much like regular pushes on a swing – successively raising their speed (and energy). 

Click here for more about:
Asymptotology Universe
Acoustical Universe

coined the term Asymptotology to describe the "art of dealing with applied mathematical systems in limiting cases". He formulated seven Principles of Asymptotology: 1. The Principle of Simplification; 2. The Principle of Recursion; 3. The Principle of Interpretation; 4. The Principle of Wild Behaviour; 5. The Principle of Annihilation; 6. The Principle of Maximal Balance; 7. The Principle of Mathematical Nonsense.

Indian Academy of Sciences Pramana Journal of Physics ... non-linear wave studies of plasma solitons Ion-acoustic solitons in multispecies spatially inhomogeneous plasmas