My Writing + Art

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Space Photography: MARS Science Laboratory by NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and California Institute of Technology

This image is from a test series used to characterize the 100-millimeter Mast Camera on NASA's Curiosity rover. It was taken on Aug. 23, 2012, and looks south-southwest from the rover's landing site.

The 100-millimeter Mastcam has three times better resolution than Curiosity's 34-millimeter Mastcam, though it has a narrower field of view. Some haze obscures the view, but the top ridge, depicted in this image, is 10 miles (16.2 kilometers) away.

Scientists enhanced the color in one version to show the Martian scene under the lighting conditions we have on Earth, which helps in analyzing the terrain. A raw version is also available.

JPL manages the Mars Science Laboratory/Curiosity for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. 
The rover was designed, developed and assembled at JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena California (Los Angeles)

NASA/JPL/California Institute of Technology "Curiosity Explores Mars" Image Gallery and Current News

Mars: NASA Explores the Red Planet

NASA/JPL Mars Science Laboratory: Curiosity Rover