My Writing + Art

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Video short film "The SAND STORM 沙尘暴" directed by Jason Wishnow

"THE SAND STORM 沙尘暴 " (9:22 min 2014) Communications lines dissolve, and a water smuggler navigates a tumultuous, dystopian city on the brink - in this lyrical “low-fi sci-fi” tour through a bleak future ... setting the stage for more to come. This film was made in China and stars in order of appearance Ai WeiWei (艾未未), Hu JiaNing (胡珈宁), Li Ning (李宁) and Bai Yao (白瑶)

Directed by Jason Wishnow

This film was partially funded by a Kickstarter campaign 

TED Talks