My Writing + Art

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Video short film "Toy Man" by Woodruff Laputka

Watch "Toy Man" (8:38 min) "Toy Man" tells the story of artist Dan Gunderson, who's spent his entire life collecting everything he lays his hands on, including toys. Now, after three years in development, Dan applies an astonishing collection of tens of thousands of toys to his world-renowned works of sculpture. A inspirational look into the life and mind of a man obsessed with re purposing found objects. Toy Man offers a unique, vicarious experience of a world comprised of pop-culture, modern symbolism, and the artistic freedoms shared by children everywhere."  The artist's role in society as expressers of life, communicators of the unique, decisions made based on knowledge and Self-awareness - which individualizes you, to live your own life.

YouTube viewing link

Directed by Woodruff Laputka of Laputka Films

"Middlesex Times" and "The Tangent Universe"
by Michael Andrews

"Indian Summer" and "Stokkseyyrii"
by Jonsi & Alex

"Mad World"
by Michael Andrews
Performed by the St. Judes Children's Choir (Florida)