My Writing + Art

Monday, June 23, 2014

Video TED Talk "Indigenous Knowledge" by Caleen Sisk and Marc Dadigan

Watch TED Talk "Indigenous Knowledge" by Caleen Sisk (13 minutes) Spiritual Leader and Tribal Chief of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe (California) is interviewed by Marc Dadigan, a freelance writer and photographer who has worked as an immersion journalist at the Winnemem Wintu's village of Tuiimyali (California).

Caleen Sisk is the Spiritual Leader and Tribal Chief of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe (California) who practice their traditional culture and ceremonies in their territory along the McCloud River watershed in Northern California. Since assuming leadership responsibilities in 2000, Caleen has focused on maintaining the cultural and religious traditions of the Tribe as well as advocating for California salmon restoration, the Human Right to Water, and the protection of indigenous sacred sites.

She is also currently leading her Tribe's efforts to work with Maori and federal fish biologists to return Chinook salmon to the McCloud River.

Caleen is also a leading voice in raising awareness of the poor human rights conditions suffered by federally unrecognized tribes and unrepresented indigenous peoples around the world.

She is a regular speaker at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York where she has campaigned for the U.N. to study the plight of federally unrecognized tribes in the United States.

She is also the Spiritual and Environmental Commissioner for ENLACE Continental, an international network of indigenous women.

Strongly rooted in her spirituality and her family, Caleen cares deeply for her Winnemem people and for oppressed people around the world.

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