My Writing + Art

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Video short film "Fracking Explained: Opportunity or Danger" / "Fracking Erkärt: Chance oder Risiko" by Kurzgesagt

Watch "Fracking Explained: opportunity or danger" (5 minutes) "Fracking is a controversial topic. On the one side the gas drilling companies, on the other side citizens opposed to this drilling method. Politicians are divided on the matter. We try to take a neutral look at fracking. It is relevant for all of us, because of high prices for energy and the danger for our drinking water. This video focuses mostly on the debate currently ongoing in Europe. In a lot of European countries there is a public outcry against fracking, especially in Germany. But the facts in this video are relevant to all of us." - filmmaker's description ( Vimeo hi res )

"Fracking Erkärt: Chance oder Risiko" (5 min) Fracking ist in Deutschland ein kontrovers diskutiertes Thema. Auf der einen Seite stehen die Vertreter der gasförderndern Unternehmen, auf der anderen Seite Volksinitiativen und Wasserwerke. Auch die Politik ist gespalten. Aber wie kontrovers ist Fracking wirklich? Ist es wirklich eine ungefährliche Lösung unserer Energieprobleme oder eine Gefahr für unser Grundwasser? Wir werfen einen neutralen Blick auf das Frackingverfahren und analysieren die Vor- und Nachteile. Da sich das Video in erster Linie auf Deutschland, bzw Europa bezieht konzentriert sich das Video auf die Förderung von Erdgas und lässt Erdöl außen vor.

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Video: Other "information design" shorts by Kurzgesagt

Who is Kurzgesagt an information design collective team, of information designers, animators, journalists, musicians and programmers, very passionate about science and communication.

More info about Fracking:

Video: The Unfractured Future

Video Fracking in Kern County California: Health Impact

Video "Yoko Ono and Artists Against Fracking Find Out What Fracking Has Done to Pennsylvania"

Video "Fracking Rock" (Muppets take a stand)

Video: Colorado frack-site flooding: Historic flooding across large portions of Central and Eastern Colorado has caused an unprecedented amount of damage. Along with the rise in water levels came elevated concern over the tens of thousands of frack wells that scar the region's landscape. In one of the hardest hit areas, Weld County, there are over 20,000 frack wells alone.

Video "To Wisconsin with Love" (Virginia to Wisconsin - Extraction Health and Water Safety Concerns)

Video "Fracking The Eagle Ford Shale: Big Oil And Bad Air On The Texas Prairie"

Video "La sombra del fracking"

Sign Please sign the US Nurse's Petition to "Certify a Health Impact Study on the Keystone XL Pipeline" on people's health

Video US/Canada Doctors Share to US Senate About Their Personal Direct Experience on the Impact on Public Health and Risk from Extraction Industry (workers and communities)

Video US/Canada Nurses Share to US Senate Their Direct Personal Experience of Health Impacts of Extraction Industry and Pipelines in Communities