My Writing + Art

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Video short animated film "No Robots" directed by Kimberly Knoll and Yunghan Chang 張永翰

Watch "No Robots" 5:42 minute story about senseless fear and redemption - love and family. The media stirs Demonstrators to protest in the street to outlaw Robots. A Cafe Owner dutifully hangs his "No Robots" sign on his door, but soon he is bothered by a troublesome tiny robot who is consistently stealing from him. One day the Cafe Owner chases after the Robot and gets lucky - he blindly tries to capture the Robot, and then he blindly takes revenge.

The Cafe Owner's luck is that his blindness is revealed to him, and the light that shines on his ignorance also reveals the irrational short-sighted conclusions he mindlessly jumped to ... he learns to not believe everything he reads and is told about others. We do not live in isolation from each other, he learns that to hurt another is to also hurt others - to hurt one other is to also hurt one's Self.

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

A student film from San Jose State University
Directed by Kimberly Knoll
Directed by Yunghan Chang 張永翰