My Writing + Art

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Video short documentary "The Fantastic Logic of Eternity" by David Springbett

Watch the full documentary "The Fantastic Logic of Eternity" (44 minutes, 2014)
Filmmaker's Statement: "What do we mean when we invoke the ‘eternal’? This one hour program explores the concept of eternity, as expressed in art and pop culture, and by writers, physicists, religious scholars, and historians. Broadcast premiere March 24, 2014 on VisionTV (Canada)."

"Our work is driven by our curiosity about ideas, people, and life as it’s lived. It’s taken us to over 30 countries where we’ve been privileged to meet a few of the many unsung local heroes who are quietly making their communities better places." - Asterisk Productions

Produced by Asterisk Productions is an independent production company based in Victoria, British Columbia, and established by David Springbett and Heather MacAndrew in 1976. They started out in 16mm film, and continued through many changing forms of videotape, making documentaries and other audio visual materials for television, for grassroots community groups, and for the classroom.

Their work covers a spectrum of social, environmental, political and natural history issues…and the links between them. And within that, they are drawn to stories about the many and often surprising ways social change occurs and the human spirit flourishes.