My Writing + Art

Monday, October 7, 2013

Video short documentary "They Call Us Mohawks, Ganienkeh - A Way of Life" produced by Turtle Island Trust Documentary 2013

Watch this inspiring Ganienkeh video documenting peaceful leadership of Elders, Children, all people making choices to embrace gratitude, Nature, and the true Nature of humanity. Ganienkeh, which translates "Land of the Flint" is a community located on about 600 acres near Altona, New York. It is a rare case of an indigenous people reclaiming land from the United States.

This video includes a conversational-sharing, a few spoken words by the state of New York politicians, on why they felt supporting the Ganienkeh would create "important longevity of peace and harmony" for the state of New York and it's people. Mutual support of peace creates mutual strengthening the people's mind and body. Importance to earn from Ganienkeh people to feel "we" before, "me".

The Ganienkeh nationals (a.k.a. Mohawks of Turtle Island) establish the embodiment of standing tall in gratitude for their traditional way of life, while embracing present time, and care taking the planet for the next generations not yet born.

A few words from 
"The Ganienkeh Council Fire and all traditional Kanien’kehà:ka people are a sovereign entity independent from those entities of North America referred to as the United States of America and Canada.

"This is a fundamental part of each traditional Kanien'kehà:ka’s lifelong education. Our education has been conscientiously passed down by those who lived before us and will continue to be relayed for the generations of Kanien’kehà:ka not yet born."
More story via  link

Film Credits end of the documentary.
Niawen’kó:wa to all the people of Ganienkeh who inspire and remind the world to be, and we are all people of a whole sustainable planet.

Article: Despite Online Land Auction, Ganienkeh Will Never Leave Its Land

Iroquois Museum website