My Writing + Art

Friday, November 30, 2012

Video: Artist Ai Weiwei's "Freedom of Speech Message" (Foreign Policy's "Top 100 Global Thinkers") + "The Sand Storm" starring Ai Weiwei + "Art and Cinema for Peace" speech + TED Talk + PBS Frontline doc "Who's Afraid of Ai Wewei?" + "Ai Weiwei The Fake Case"

"THE SAND STORM (沙尘暴) Starring Ai Weiwei and directed by Jason Wishnow. A feature dystopian science fiction film set in the not-too-distant future. It is a low-fi sci-fi short, made in China under the radar, starring the dissident artist Ai Weiwei in his acting debut (playing a smuggler in a world without water); photographed by Christopher Doyle (“In the Mood for Love,” “Chungking Express,” “Hero”, "Rabbit-Proof Fence", "The Quiet American", "Psycho"); written and directed by Jason Wishnow (the filmmaker behind “TED Talks”).
Post-production fund raising campaign on Kickstarter ends May 3rd, 2014.

Ai Weiwei Video: A message from Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, named one of Foreign Policy's Top 100 Global Thinkers. An excerpt of this message was shown at FP's Global Thinkers gala in Washington, DC on Nov. 29, 2012.

2013 Documentary "Ai Weiwei The Fake Case a film by Andreas Johnsen nominated for Best Documnetary

Ai Wei Wei's website including new videos plus NYTimes article on Ai's new 2013 video

"My work in the past few years ... relates to how to find a way to communicate in a very special circumstance" said Ai in a video he made November 29, 2012 exclusively for Global Thinkers gala at the Hirshhorn museum in Washington, which hosted the first ever North American retrospective of his work.

TED TALK about Ai Weiwei with Ai Wei Wei's statement to TED about his artistic work and his detainment in 2011

Ai Weiwei's Video message for Art and Cinema For Peace 
Chinese artist and human rights activist Ai Weiwei's rare video message to the Art & Cinema for Peace event in Basel, Switzerland on June 10th, 2012.

Alison Klayman's documentary "Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry"

Music Video: Anish Kapoor and Friend's "Gangnam Style For Freedom - Ai Weiwei" 

Music Video Story: Art world goes Gangnam Style mad in solidarity with Ai Weiwei ~ Anish Kapoor gathers fellow artists to take part in parody video at his south London studio.