My Writing + Art

Monday, July 30, 2012

Video: TED Talk and MIT Demo: Ramesh Raskar and MIT Media Lab Camera Imaging at a Trillion Frames per Second

Watch MIT video: "Femto-Photography: Visualizing Photons in Motion at a Trillion Frames Per Second"
In 1964 MIT professor Harold Edgerton, pioneer of stop-action photography, famously took a photo of a bullet piercing an apple using exposures as short as a few nanoseconds.

Watch TED Talk by Ramesh Raskar on creating a camera that can capture not just a bullet, traveling at 850 meters per second, but light itself travelling at nearly 300 million meters per second.

Watch Video: "How To See Around Corners"  Photographing light as it moves, to see that a camera and software was built that can visualize pictures as if they are recorded at 1 trillion frames per second. The same photon-imaging technology can also be used to create a camera that can peer "around" corners by exploiting specific properties of the photons when they bounce off surfaces and objects.

Among the other projects that Raskar is leading, with the MIT Media Lab's Camera Culture research group, are low-cost eye care devices, a next generation CAT-Scan machine and human-computer interaction systems.

"Though photographs in the near future will still be composed by people holding cameras, it will gradually become more accurate to say pictures were computed rather than 'taken' or 'captured." Popular Photography magazine.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Space Photography : NASA Earth Observatory ~ Evolving Views of Clouds (Patterns in Nature)

Top image photographed  in 2012 
Bottom image photographed in 1962

Although people have observed clouds for tens of thousands of years, one group of clouds long escaped human detection. Not because those clouds were too small to see, but because they were too big. The dawn of the satellite era changed that, revealing a type of cloud that scientists named “actinoform.” The name of these radial, or leaf-shaped, clouds is based on the Greek term for “ray.”

Thursday, July 19, 2012

ASTER Photo by NASA Earth Observatory Terra Satellite: Kitikmeot Region, Nunavut Territory Canada Land of Lakes

NASA Earth Observatory, Nunavut Territory Canada Land of Lakes Story

During the last Ice Age, nearly all of Canada was covered by massive ice sheets. Thousands of years later, the landscape of Nunavut Territory—“our land” in the Inuktitut language—still shows the scars of that icy earth mover. Surfaces that were scoured by retreating ice and then flooded by Arctic seas are now dotted with millions of lakes, ponds, and streams.

The image above shows wetlands in the Kitikmeot region of Nunavut Territory, just east of the Queen Maud Gulf Bird Sanctuary and southwest of the village of Gjoa Haven. The image was acquired by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) on NASA’s Terra satellite on July 18, 2001. ASTER combines 14 spectral bands in infrared, red, and green wavelengths of light to make false-color images. Water is various shades of blue, green, tan, and black, depending on the amount of suspended sediment (silt and clay) and phytoplankton. Vegetated land is red.

Click here for more of this story and images

Space Photography Video : Animation and Photos of 2012 Solar Flares as The Sun Erupts

Watch "Low Resolution Animation of the Sun Erupting July 2012"

Watch "High Resolution Animation of Sun Erupting"

Twelve years after the Earth was buffeted by one of the more potent Sun storms in modern history, our nearest star crackled with activity again. A solar flare erupted on July 12, 2012, followed closely by a companion coronal mass ejection (CME)—a cloud of magnetically charged particles and energy that can disturb Earth’s magnetic field, disrupt satellites and ground-based electronics, and provoke auroras.

The Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) captured these views of the flare in the Sun’s southern hemisphere on July 12, 2012. The top, global image shows the Sun as viewed at 131 Angstroms; the lower, close-up view is 171 Angstroms. Both ultraviolet wavelengths help solar physicists study the fine magnetic structures in the Sun’s super-heated atmosphere, or corona. The yellow and teal are false colors chosen by the science team to distinguish between the spectral bands. Download the movies linked beneath each image to see the active region develop and erupt.  Watch more video and read more story

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

ART "DataIsNature ~ Earth Processes" ... process to form ... artworks using computational techniques, strategies, human computation, metamorphic algorithms, aeolian protocols and hydro-dynamic computations

Dataisnature came into being in October 2004 initially collecting together artworks using computational techniques and algorithmic strategies. It was particularly interested in works that borrowed algorithms from the scientific community – re-appropriating code systems that modeled nature to create generative artworks. Along the way it realised that what it was really interested in was PROCESS. And more importantly the relationship between process to form – how rules generate structure.

It then began to gather artworks using ‘human computation’ and procedural creativity. In more recent years, its direction has shifted towards Earth Processes – metamorphic algorithms, aeolian protocols and hydro-dynamic computations – a systematic way of seeing the Earth as a generative spatio-temporal pattern making machine.

Dataisnature’s interest in process is far and wide reaching – it may also include posts on visual music, parametric architecture, computational archaeology, psychogeography and cartography, experimental musical notational, utopian constructs, visionary divination systems and counter cultural systems.

Image Credit: Paul Prudence performing at Plums Festival, Moscow, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Photography: Liquid Art of Markus Reugels

Gallery Photographs of Liquid as Art and his Flickr Gallery

"My pictures are not manipulated with photoshop! I only sensor spots and small splashes remove the disturbing, the tones and contrasts are naturally processed. I can see but as digital darkroom. This allows you to amplify existing in the image again and soften the visual impact.” - Markus Reugels

Photography Video High Speed Imaging Animation of Explosions: Cordin Company

Watch "Photography Video High Speed Imaging Animation of Explosions" by Cordin Company

Image Credit: Dr. Joseph Shephard and Scott Jackson, Explosion Dynamics Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA

Video and Photography: In Memory of Tim Samaras ~ Capturing Thunder Storms with World's Fastest High Resolution Camera

Tim Samaras passed away in 2013 while chasing a storm, videos of his work. He and his son Paul were killed in the El Reno, Oklahoma tornado along with frequent partner on storm chasing adventures, photographer Carl Young. Condolences to his family, friends and colleagues at National Geographic.

National Geographic wrote, "A week before he died, he submitted what may have been the best, most complete video of a tornado being ‘born,’ in which he describes the formation as it’s happening."

Tim Samaras photographer and videographer capturing Thunder Storms with the world's fastest high resolution camera ~ Ultra High Speed Photography Images with Beckman and Whitley 192 framing camera, 1,440,000 frames per second, 6,000 revolutions per second which weighs 1,600 pounds and has a three-sided rotating mirror mounted on a rapidly spinning turbine driven by compressed air or helium.

Slide show about Tim Samaras' work by Carsten Peter

Talk: Extremwetterkongress 2012 - Tim Samaras über: Inside The Tornado

Video: Probes Capture Inside of Tornado

Unpublished Photos of Tim Samaras

Below images by Carsten Peter (click here for his Photo Gallery)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Film Trailer: Patagonia Rising

Watch film trailer for "Patagonia Rising"
Patagonia Rising website

Deep in the heart of Patagonia, Chile flow two of the world's purest rivers, the Baker and Pascua. Fed by vast glacial systems, these free-flowing watersheds drive biodiversity in temperate rainforests, estuaries and marine ecosystems. They are also the life source for Patagonia's most tenacious residents, the Gauchos, the iconic South American cowboys who endure relentless winds and long winters on remote ranches in these river valleys.

Isolated and largely undeveloped Patagonia and its people are caught in a heated conflict surrounding a proposal to build five large hydroelectric dams on the Baker and Pascua Rivers. Promoted as "clean" energy, the project's cultural and environmental impacts would forever alter the region. Alternatives exist. Clean energy experts are proving the viability of solar, wind and geothermal resources developed much closer to demand and infrastructure.

Over the past century more than 45,000 large dams have redefined the course and health of the planet's rivers with disastrous impacts that continue to unfold. Tracing the hydrologic cycle of the Baker from ice to ocean, Patagonia Rising brings voice to the frontier people caught in the crossfire of Chile's energy demands. Juxtaposing the pro-dam business sector with renewable energy experts, the documentary brings awareness and solutions to this global conflict over water and power.

"Intelligent. Weighs the environmental and cultural impact of five massive hydroelectric dams proposed for Chile's Patagonia region....Awe-inspiring footage of spectacular lands at South America's southernmost tip introduce the gauchos, loggers and other residents whose ways of life have barely changed over centuries, particularly since no roads or power lines connect many ranches." - Dennis Harvey, Variety