My Writing + Art

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Video: Sacred Land Project inventing new mobile GPS devices App for land preservation via education: Finding Sacred Ground, a Sacred Land Film Project

Sacred Land Film Project : successfully funds through public donations the cost to develop an App to support protecting and preserving sacred land. 

SLFP is a community dedicated to protecting the Earth's sacred places through education and action. 

Video of Sacred Land Project, a technology for mobile devices that superimposes images and audio over the user’s surroundings, is a new development in mobile media.  Developers are designing new augmented reality applications, using immersive, interactive tools for entertainment, education, social media. 

This hyper-modern, cutting-edge augmented reality technology also helps support ancient indigenous sacred sites, and inspire reverence for the natural world.

In partnership with Devils Tower National Monument, Paige Saez and Anselm Hook of (SLFP), are developing an interactive multimedia tour for mobile devices and web-based applications called "Finding Sacred Ground", a global transmedia experience that will use locative GPS technology and augmented reality to raise awareness of native peoples and their traditional lands by revealing the hidden history of a place and its indigenous caretakers. 

Narrated by native elders and storytellers, this transmedia project will leverage story, multimedia, song and augmented reality in unique combination to transform the user’s perspective of the land and his or her vital role in protecting it. 

 Stage one of our project is to create a pilot audio Finding Sacred Ground app for iPhone. We have a plan for the app, and we have the media content.