My Writing + Art

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

TED Video: Sixth Sense Technology demo by Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry

TED video Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry demo Sixth Sense technology
This demo -- from Pattie Maes' Fluid Interfaces Group at MIT Media Lab, spearheaded by Pranav Mistry -- was the buzz of TED. It's a wearable device with a projector that paves the way for profound interaction with our environment. Imagine the movie "Minority Report" and beyond. Pattie Maes at the MIT Media Lab's new Fluid Interfaces Group, researches the tools we use to work with information and connect with one another. Pranav Mistry is the inventor of SixthSense, a wearable device that enables new interactions between the real world and the world of data.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Music Video ~ Local Natives - Who Knows Who Cares - A Take Away Show (Paris)

Black XS & la Blogotheque go around the world to film bands with live sound on street locations as take away shows. Here is a special series in Paris, France with the band Local Natives filmed before their show at Les Inrockuptibles festival. 
Local Natives | Who Knows Who Cares | A Take Away Show (Paris)
I've been going down
Down into the river baby
Listen to the sound
It's something only god knows
You figure it out, I can't stay
Water's in the clouds
Is my life about to change?
Who knows, who cares

So we took a van down to colorado
Where we ran into the dead
I took you by the hand
Know that even with your doubts, it's ok
Take into account that it's not about to change
Who knows, who cares

You could let it down
Jump into the river baby
Easy as it sounds
It's never quite as easily done
The current has us now, it's ok
Take into account that it's all about to change
Who knows, who cares

No one's been there
But I don't care
I know all have been there
I don't care
I know.

Paris sunset 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Nature Video by Ancient Forest Alliance ~ Giant Cheewhat Tree on Vancouver Island B.C.

Ancient Forest Alliance ~ Giant Cheewhat Tree  on Vancouver Island, Pacific Rim National Park B.C.. Canada's largest tree, a western redcedar named the Cheewhat Giant growing in a remote location near Cheewhat Lake within Pacific Rim National Park Reserve on southerwestern Vancouver Island. The tree measures over 6 meters (20 feet) in trunk diameter, 56 meters (182 feet) in height, and 450 cubic meters in timber volume (or 450 regular telephone poles worth of wood). Luckily the tree, discovered in 1988, is within the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, which was created in 1971.

The video clip also shows new clearcuts and giant stumps of red cedar trees, some over 4 meters (14 feet) in diameter in the Klanawa Valley adjacent to Pacific Rim National Park Reserve and also near the Carmanah-Walbran Provincial Park, a short distance to the south.

Satellite photos show that about 75% of the original, productive old-growth forests on Vancouver Island have been logged, including 90% of the valley bottoms where the largest trees grow and most biodiversity is found. On southern Vancouver Island, south of Barkley Sound, about 87% of the original, productive old-growth forests have been logged.

See "before" and "after" old-growth forest maps at:

Visit the Ancient Forest Alliance website at 

Please SIGN our PETITION here:

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Nature Video ~ Moonbows at Yosemite

Moonbows in Yosemite

A moonbow (also known as a lunar rainbow, white rainbow, lunar bow or space rainbow) is a rainbow produced by light reflected off the surface of the moon rather than from direct sunlight. Moonbows are relatively faint, due to the smaller amount of light reflected from the surface of the moon. They are always in the opposite part of the sky from the moon.

It is difficult for the human eye to discern colors in a moonbow because the light is usually too faint to excite the cone color receptors in human eyes. As a result, they often appear to be white. However, the colors in a moonbow do appear in long exposure photographs.

A true moonbow is lit from the Moon itself. A colored rainbow when the sun is setting or when it is darker out is not a moonbow because it is still produced by sunlight. Moonbows have been mentioned at least since Aristotle, in his Meteorology, circa 350 BC, and in 1847 and the term moonbow was used by Nick Whelan who sighted one of the first documented moonbows in Eastern Utah.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Video and photography: "TED Talk of The Beautiful Nano Details of Our World", "Micro Photos of Moon and Earth Sand Grains" by Dr Gary Greenberg

Watch "TED Talk of The Beautiful Nano Details of Our World"

Photo Gallery: Moon Sand and Earth Sand Grain Close-Ups

Watch documentary "A Grain of Sand" by Dr Gary Greenberg

Every grain of sand in the world is unique and beautiful when viewed through the microscope. If each grain of sand is so beautiful and unique, imagine how beautiful and unique each person is? Artist, inventor, and scientist, Dr Gary Greenberg has devoted his life to revealing the secret beauty of nature. Beginning his career as photographer and filmmaker, he worked on the first Superman film where he transformed human pancreatic cancer cells into the planet Kyrpton. After earning a Ph.D. in biomedical research, he went on to invent the high-definition, three-dimensional light microscope, for which he was issued eighteen US patents.